1. Anti-oxidant: The presence of Tannins in the extracts of bio-activities to possess potent (शक्तिशाली) antioxidant activity.
2. Anti-spasmodic effect: (spasmodic=अंग-संकोच करनेवाला-मरोड़-संबंधी-अकड़नेवाला-) This effect can be evaluated by using a segment of ileum from rat with trade solution. The TLE dose-dependently which indicate calcium channels are involved in this spasmolytic effect.
3. Anti-microbial activity: The extract of leaf was tested on Bacteria. The extract of phenolic content was showed its anti-microbial activity.
4. Antifungal activity: The extract of t.stan was tested against two species of fungi (sporothrixschenckii and fonsecaea pedrosoi) Shows best effective anti-yeast and anti-fungal activity.
5. Anti-diabetic activity: TAE sub-chronic adminreduces triglycerides and cholesterol without modifying fasting glucose. The chemical composition of the extract was analyzing their content of phenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids reputed to be responsible for hypo-glycemic properties of many antidiabetics.
6. Wound healing property: The methanol extract oft.stans leaf was possess significant wound healing property.[6-10].
Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/368918790/A-REVIEW-ON-TECOMA-STANS
Phytochemical and pharmacological review study
on Tecoma Stans Linn
Sunita Verma
Tecoma stans Linn is an erect shrub commonly found in India. It is also known as yellow bells, yellow
elder, trumpet flower, belonging to the family Bignoniaceae. Tecoma stans, showed exhibited
antidiabetic, antioxidant, hypoglycemic, antitumor, free radical, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial,
properties. This review aims at describing the botanical description, classification, phytochemical profiles
of various parts of Tecoma stans.
Keywords: Phytochemical, medicinal, drugs, antimicrobial
Nature has been a source of medicinal agents for thousands of years and an impressive number
of modern drugs have been isolated from natural sources, many based on their use in
traditional medicine. Higher plants, as sources of medicinal compounds, have continued to
play a dominant role in the maintenance of human health since ancient times [1]. Over 50% of
all modern clinical drugs are of natural product origin and natural products play an important
role in drug development programs in the pharmaceutical industry. In India, people have been
used as plants and natural products for the treatment of various diseases since ancient time.
Nearly 80% of the world’s population depends on traditional medicine [2]. In the last two
decades of the century, the scientists are sincerely trying to evaluate many plant drugs used in
traditional system of medicine. The pharmacognostic study is one of the major criteria for
identification of plant drugs.
Tecoma stans is an erect shrub commonly found in India. Belonging to the family
Bignoniaceae. The shrub has some common names in different native Indian languages.
Tecoma stans Linn is also known as yellow bells, yellow elder, trumpet flower in English and
Piliya in Hindi. Tecoma stans is an important medicinal plant. Ginger Thomas leaves, bark and
roots contain biologically active chemicals, and extracts from those tissues are in use as
traditional folk medicines [3]. Tecoma stans, showed exhibited antitumor, antioxidant,
antimicrobial, hypoglycemic, free radical anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic properties.
Tecoma stans are commonly planted as an ornamental in warmer climates throughout the world
because of its showy yellow flowers and pinnate foliage [4].
Kingdom = Plantae
Division = Tracheophyta
Subdivision = Spermatophytina
Class = Magnoliopsida
Order = Lamiales
Family = Bignoniaceae
Genus = Tecoma
Species = T. stans
Vernacular name
Hindi = Piliya
Sanskrit = Sidhakya
English = Yellow bells, Yellow trumpet, Yellow elder
Malayalam = Subramanyakiretam
Tamil = Sonnapatti
Botanical description
A large shrub or small tree, much branched, growing upto 1.5-
5m tall, but grows occasionally upto 10m in height. twigs tan
or reddish tan, smooth, scarcely 4-sided; leaves opposite,
pinnately compound, leaflets 1-9, usually 3-7, ovatelanceolate,
apex acuminate, base acute or obliquely acute, very
shortly petiolate or all but subsessile, slightly hirsute on midrib
and in vein axils beneath, margins irregularly serrate, leaves
quite variable, rachis and petiole slender, glabrous.
Inflorescence an axillary or terminal raceme, pedicels short,
irregularly curved or twisted, bracts reduced to minute scales,
flowers rather few, calyx narrowly cylindric-campanulate, 5-7
cm long, with 5 sub-equal acuminate teeth, glabrous; stamens
4, attached at the summit of the tube, in 2 unequal pairs, included, filaments pilose at base, curved above, anthers versatile, linear, yellow, pilose, 6 mm long; sterile fifth stamen much reduced; pistil about equaling stamens, ovary narrowly cylindric, about equaling calyx, style filiform, glabrous, stigma flat, elliptic; capsule linear, compressed, 10-20 cm long, 7-8 mm wide, brown when ripe, with raised line or suture lengthwise on each flat side, tardily dehiscent along suture, septum parallel with
flat sides, firm, seeds flat, oblong, 7-8 x 4 mm, with a
membranous transparent wing on each end, ends of wing erose, seeds entire including wing about 20 x 6 mm" [5
Phytochemical Constitutes
Chemical constituents of this botanical species are well
known; numerous monoterpenic alkaloids have been identified
[6-9]. The biosynthesis of these monoterpene alkaloids in callus tissues of Tecoma stans has been studied, together with the identification of the presence of lapachol and other primary and secondary plant metabolites such as: sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose and xylose), triterpenoids (ursolic and oleanolic acids and α-amyrine), p-sitosterol and phenolics (chlorogenic, caffeic, vanillic, o-cumaric and sinapicn acids).
All of these compounds have already been identified in the whole plant at different concentrations [10, 11]. A new phenylethanoid, 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) ethyl-2-O-[ 6-deoxyalpha-L- mannopyranosyl- 4- (3, 4 dihydroxyphenyl) -2- propenoate]-beta-D-glucopyranoside, and a novel monoterpene alkaloid, 5-hydroxy-skytanthine hydrochloride, along with eleven known compounds in the fruits and flowers was established in Tecoma stans [12].
Pharmacological Activities
Tecoma genus possess various bioactive compounds that are reported to exhibit various pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal activities [13-15]. The whole alcoholic and aqueous extract of T. stans exhibited the antibacterial activity and isolated tecomine, where the growth of E. coli and B. subtilis was inhibited at different .
Sustainable management of medicinal plant species is
important due to their value as a potential source of new drugs. Tecoma stans is used by traditional medical practitioners for the treatment of various diseases. Phytochemical and Pharmacological reviews on plants will give valuable information which will assist the scientists in getting more advanced knowledge about a plant species.
Source: http://www.plantsjournal.com/archives/2016/vol4issue5/PartC/4-4-19-443.pdf
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